Year 8 Subject Information Evening

Dear Parent/Guardian, I am writing to invite you to the Year 8 Subject Information Evening arranged for Tuesday 20th February 2018. On this evening representatives from the school’s Senior Leadership Team will explain the choices available to students entering Key Stage 4 and be able to offer advice and guidance to support your son/daughter during this important phase of their education. As each of our bands has its own pathway, we have allocated each a different venue and time. This will allow us to focus on the choices particular to that band. If you son/daughter has a place in the Middle Band for year 9 please go to the S0.04 for a 6:00pm start. If you son/daughter has a place in the Upper Band for year 9 please go to the Main Hall for a 6:00pm If you son/daughter has a place in the Fast Track for year 9 please go to the Main Hall for a 6:30pm In order to help us with the planning of the evening, I would ask that you complete the reply slip below and return it to your son/daughter’s tutor by Friday 9th February 2018. Subject Information Evening Letter 2018